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Can booth babes be pro too?

Posted by LionHeadtm - June 10th, 2008

Ok, so I was conversating with someone earlier about how hot girls shouldn't game. I find this completely untrue... If there weren't any hot girls in the gaming world, then what would you guys fantasize about? I mean think about it. They are into games and they are hot, right? Shouldn't that be a double orgasm for you guys?

Anyway, let's get back on the subject about how I want to be a booth babe. I think I have chosen Lady Sylvanas from WoW. I have seen some cosplay pictures and... well... they sucked. Like omg did you whip it up in 3 hrs? It's awful! If you are going to cosplay, at least cosplay with some decency. Come on now.
At the same time that I say this, I'm also thinking about Nariko (sp?) from Heavenly Sword. The hair is my biggest challange though. Where am I going to find red hair extensions of that length? And how the HELL am I going to secure it to my head and not have it tangle?

If I were to go as Lady Sylvanas, I think every WoW player on the planet will immediately recognize me and want to take a picture. Maybe I might be hired by Blizzard to have me at their conventions!!! W00T!! I LOVE YOU BLIZZARD!!! THANK YOU FOR WOW!!!

However, If i were to go as Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Not as many people would recognize me, but I would be able to do more movement and have an excuse to act all badass and Angelina Jolie like... and to carry around a weapon.

But is it wrong for girls to play videogames? More and more people are becoming acceptable of this but the more old schoolers think that girls can't play videogames because they are such bad players... Well, all of your 'old school' gamers, how come is it that I can wipe the fucking floor with you and PUBLICLY at Philly's VGXPO at TFC and completely OWN YOU at counter-strike? I have a team... Challange me. We'll see what kind of loser you really are....

I'll be waiting...

Oh and for anyone who would like to request a type of character I should cosplay as, let me know. For a simple set of rules, here they are...

1. It has to be a character that alot of people know.

2. Has to be from a VIDEOGAME and not a movie. (and don't try to pull some of that "but they made a videogame out of it!" nonsense.)

3. Has to be sexy. Or elegant. Or both.

4. Don't be afraid to give me a challange. I know how to sew.

5. Just no metal... I can't work with real metal because it's hard to obtain and pretty expensive now that gas prices have gone up.

K? That's everything for now. I'll be back and check in on any results, ideas, or comments.

Love ya. ~LionHead*

Can booth babes be pro too?


Girls who are gaming aren't bad.
I know alot of girls who have a Wii just like me and we play online alot..

You know Brawl?
Zero Suit Samus is very sexy, try to cosplay as her..

wtf? I never heard of gamer girls as an issue. EVER. Whoever told you that there's something wrong with it has no idea what the hell they are talking about. That's seriously one of the most retarded issues I've ever heard of.

On another subject, I'm thinking princess peach wouldn't be a bad idea. But that's more on the elegant side, and less on the sexy. If you want something more on the sexy side, Laura Croft from tomb raider would be a good pick.

There's my input. Bye.

apparently you didn't get the 'old school' memo i just put in there? Back then (and I'm pretty sure that I'm older than you) Girls were really a foriegn thing because it was usually a guy thing. But, now that time goes on, people are accepting of the fact. There is a history of sexist gaming you know...

Yeah, you're older than me, but by like what, 2 years? I pretty much grew up in the same time frame as you. Growing up, I commonly played video games with girls. Sure it was rare, but that's just simply because more guys were into it. Nowadays, video games are evolving from a "nerd" thing to a more "social" thing. Back in the day, usually "nerds" would play video games, so it was a shock to see girls playing. But now it's a lot more socially acceptable, especially with games like WoW. I accept the fact that it may be slightly "foreign", but I never heard of it as an issue.

However, I guess that doesn't change the fact that it IS an issue. Just because I never experienced/heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I suppose I acted a bit out hand (I was tired and frustrated). But if I were you, I wouldn't let it worry you. Like I mentioned, video games are becoming more of a socially all-around acceptable thing. It's becoming more and more common for girls to playing nowadays. Those "old schoolers" just hate to accept it I guess.

Speaking of Counter-Strike, I wanna play you! >=D Add me on Steam. Steam name: kumokgb

(Sorry for the epic wall of text)

Blatantly not a girl!

sorry that I don't have a penis for you to suck.


...in fact, my ex-gf pwned me repeatedly at many games.

Haha That's quite true, the old timers expected that only guys played the games, and the chicks just to watch. A few years back, I too thought that girls weren't good at games as us guys, but as the years passed and the more chicks you get to meet, your eyes open...everyone is different...and i got s**t-faced by my gf on the Wii -_-'

Oh well, I'm getting Counter Strike soon, everyones its better then Battlefield 2. So might as well try it ^^.

For your Cosplay, Try Sheik from Legend of zelda, I think your short hair (from the photo) would totally suit.

my hair got longer though. I have thought about Zelda and/or Sheik. I might as well put that on my list.

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n</a> /151536

My first real audio portal submission =)

Your hair made me think Rinoa from FF8...fairly well known, and that blue coat thing could be pretty fun to make? But maybe that's a little cliche. Or if you want to carry around a weapon, maybe Setsuka from SoulCalibur? Now THERE'S a sewing project you can sink your teeth into!
Though I'm sure Sylvanas will have hundreds of fanboys squealing ;-)

And girl gamers? Viva la Revolution!

No Final Fantasy Characters... I had it posted on a previous journal blog but you might've not seen it. NO FF CHARACTERS. But... I do like your SC idea... hmmm... I would do Maki, but I can't risk the no-bra thing.

yo whats up? your like the first girl iv seen on newgrounds XD

Lol Lady Sylvanas? I thought she was an undead in WoW. Girl gaming began long ago. Did you know that one of the counter-strike championship (or whatever) few years back was a girl?

But since nowadays everyone's up for WoW. I say go for the undead sylvanas. And no offense, I think your style actually fits the undead type (mysterious) rather than those up and jumping living characters like tomb raider, peach, samus etc. Besides, some of these characters are japanese, so it wouldn't match at all.